In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, one question consistently arises among our customers and partners: “What sets NVIDIA Jetson apart from traditional PCs, and why should we choose it?” This question goes beyond simple curiosity; it touches on the core of strategic decision-making for businesses looking to harness the power of AI and edge computing.
In today's global landscape, effective traffic management is essential due to the growing number of vehicles leading to congestion and safety risks in cities. Manual methods are inadequate, prompting a shift towards advanced technology like computer vision and object detection for efficient urban planning.
Uncover the future of farming with AI-driven image detection, where technology redefines efficiency and sustainability in agriculture. This article by Felipe Leiva , Technical Project Manager at Aetina, demonstrates how smart agriculture harnesses the power of AI to optimize resources, enhance crop health, and revolutionize food production.
Discover how Edge AI is revolutionizing smart farming, enhancing agricultural efficiency, sustainability, and productivity. Learn about cutting-edge technologies driving the future of agriculture.
Dralle A/S 是林業數位科技的產業領導者,其傳統方法的木材堆測量系統面臨嚴重的限制。他們最初的系統是一個採用傳統電腦視覺技術(即分水嶺演算法和霍夫變換)的 x86 平台,無法跟上現代人工智慧的需求。
STEMMER IMAGING 憑藉其在電腦視覺領域的深厚專業知識,結合安提國際在技術硬體設計方面的豐富經驗,共同打造了一個全方位的解決方案,能夠快速、經濟地滿足廣大客戶的新需求。
非破壞檢測評估(NDE)常用於檢查結構部件的狀況,並在損壞或裂縫尚未生成問題之前即被檢出。安提國際與夥伴 TrueFlaw 利用AI人工智慧瑕疵識別技術,為需求非破壞性檢測,如鋼結構性建築、橋樑、軌道、壓力容器、石化業管線與設備等行業,提供智慧化解方。