Though generally speaking two ball bearing fan more expensive, but are more durable at higher temperature, are more quieter and with even 4x longer lifespan, do not suffer the same orientation limitations as sleeve bearing fans. Aetina always gives priority to quality instead of cost.
VHDCI is a compact and small size 68-pin connector that optimized for applications require high-performance but in space-limitation. To be a SCSI connector, VHDCI supports up to 5 Gbps data rate and function as a multi-monitor connector, capable for digital or analog signals, this capacity enables us to gang four connectors on a PCIe back-plate, performing as an external 12-lanes on a single graphics card.
Enhancing the display stability, our MDS video wall editions (e.g. 6x, 9x, 12x displays) features hardware EDID catching inside, preventing display default configuration reset while monitor malfunction or disconnection, optimize displaying stability and quality.